Turn Aside Bible studies are purposefully formatted to take the author out and simply ask questions that, hopefully, make you dig and discover for yourself the beauty of God's Word. It is God's Word. It's about HIM...lets get back to that.

Turn Aside was born out of a desire to encourage women in the Word, to dig into the Bible and make discoveries for themselves.  Today the studies are used by both men and women who desire the richness of God's Word. Our desire is to help you understand a book, or chapters, of the Bible in context and learn to glean from it for yourself. 

We must first come to know God, and than, through His lens, who we are in Him. This is only done through exploring His word daily. Stepping off the path we've grown accustomed to, to be with Him, in His presence.

If you are familiar with the story of Moses, you know that by seeing the burning bush and turning aside to take in this sight radically changed him. Forever.

At times we can be like the Moses we meet in verse 1. Going about the everyday, just concerned with our responsibilities, our physical needs and desires? Yet, God has not stopped calling from His Word, asking us to step off the usual path and be with Him.  

As with Moses, He knows your name.
As with Moses, He longs to commune with you.
As with Moses, He has made Himself accessible.

Will you be like Moses?

Will you turn aside?